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Saturday, January 30, 2016

Elementary Music Class Sub Activities

Here are more fun things for a sub in the music class. You can find this at Seattle Pi.

Elementary Music Class Activities for Substitute Teachers

Singing on the mountain!

Friday, January 29, 2016

Pass the Ball

This would be an easy and fun activity for a sub to do with a class.

Music Sub Activities

Here are lots of suggestions for lesson plans.  Take a look at all the ideas at Choral Net.

photo credits: U.S. Army Garrison Red Cloud - Casey
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Sub Plans on the Ready

Here are sub ideas that will work for a non-music type sub.  She also has organizational tips to help you get ready quickly for a sub.  Check out her post at Kodaly Inspired Classroom.

Music Sub Planning for Maternity Leave

Planning for a long term music sub is no fun.  Mrs. Q has left some helpful ideas. Check out this post at Mrs. Q's Music Blog.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Planning for a Long Term Sub

Need help preparing for a long term music sub?  Check out this blog post from All Things Katie Marie.

Sub Plans for Music Class

Here are some good lesson ideas for a music sub at Alisha Gabriel's blog.  In this post she describes the three things that every class will do on the day she is out.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Info for Subs - Genius Way to Organize

What a genius way to organize info for a sub.  Everything is all in one place and available at a glance!

Check out Mrs. Miracle's Music Room. 

Good Books to Leave with a Sub in Music

Sing Books with Emily, the Blog has many great recommendations for picture books related to music.  These would be great to supplement a sub lesson.

Ideas and Advice on Preparing for Music Subs

Here are great ideas and advice on preparing for music subs.
National Association for Music Educators

Doodle Sheet

Here's a link to a coloring sheet for that time left at the end of a sub's music lesson.  Doodle Art Alley.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Substitute Pack for a Music Sub - Great Emergency Plans!

Here's a wonderful free download at TeachersPayTeachers.  7 Songs and Games for an Elementary Music Class

Coloring Page with Music Symbols

This is a coloring page with music symbols.  It might be a nice filler if there is time left at the end of class. Coloring Page Music at EduPics.

Emergency Music Sub Plans

Here are some sub plans that would be perfect for emergency absences in the music room. can find them at the blog: Music Elementary.

Music Sub Plans

We're always looking for good sub plans, right?  So, I'll use this space to save links to good music sub plans. Keep checking back for good ones.

Here is a collection you should check out from Mrs Q's Music Blog.